Personal Social Work Statement

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Personal statement I am applying for the MA in Social Work because I wish to become a social worker, and have wanted to become one for many years. I have always been interested in people's lives, from their background, make-up and aspirations. To do this in a work-setting on a daily basis would be the epitome of job satisfaction for me. I do care about people, especially, disadvantaged people who, due to no fault of their own, have been prevented from accessing resources and opportunities that would positively transform their life. I empathise with these people and want to make a difference to their lives as I have personally experienced abuse and misfortune. My parents were working-class immigrants, I was bought up in a family which had very little money therefore there were no toys at all, I have experienced racism and worse still, my father was physically and psychologically abusive to me and my siblings. Added to this I was bullied at school. So I know how it feels to feel isolated, unloved and rejected. At eighteen, I was "kicked out" of the house and later still, at around 20 I left home and stayed in a women's hostel before gaining permanent residence. I am very grateful for the help I received from the "system" and now that I am "on my feet", I would like to pay back to society, by helping others who have faced similar experiences. I have experience of working with varied service users,I am currently a volunteer with Welcare as a "grandparent" and on a full-time basis, I am a Carer with Keratome Ltd , a domiciliary care agency who work in partnership with many councils. I attend to service-users needs within their homes. This involves undertaking tasks according to individual care plans such as putting the service users to bed, dressing them, cooking light meals for them, shopping on their behalf and changing catheter bags. For this role, I have

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