Personal Response on English as the King of Languages

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“Riding the crest of globalization and technology, English dominates the world as no other language ever has, and some linguists now say it may never be dethroned as the king of languages.” The planet earth has millions and millions of languages, and one of the most spoken and written language is English. Generally speaking, English has always been prominent throughout the centuries. Everywhere you go in this world, there will always be people that is capable of communicating using English. Admittedly, looking at English’ status nowadays, it is highly unlikely that English will be dethroned as the king of languages anytime soon, but as a matter of fact, people who are using English, is learning the language itself as a second language. These people do not abandon their native language, but used English as their main communication with people from around the world. This shows that although English is still a prominent language in people’s life, it is slowly becoming irrelevant. On the other hand, English shows a lot of promise. Just like mentioned above, everywhere we go in this world, there will always be people who are capable of communicating using English. After all, it doesn’t matter whether English is learned as a second language or as a native language, what matters is that it is still learned and used by lots of people. In conclusion, English is a prominent language and might never be dethroned as the king of languages as the usage of the language nowadays shows lots of promises, however as more and more people are learning English as their second language, it might slowly be dethroned and become an irrelevant
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