Personal Learning Style

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Personal Learning Style ASC 1006 Professor Rana Moukarzel Florida Institute of Technology April 11, 2014 My Personal Learning Style The Virk Learning Style Guide provided an accurate scoring system for my personal learning style. By being able to understand my learning style, I am able to better intake information and perform better on tests and other important aspects of life. The Virk Learning Style Guide tests and provides feedback on how one can better intake, learn, and retain useful information. The VARK Learning Style Guide is essential to anyone who may need help discovering their learning styles to perform better in school. The Virk Learning Style Guide (n.d.) recommended that I am better at the Read/Write learning style. I found these results to be very accurate because I am best at retaining information by reading and taking notes. The less preferred learning style for me was visual, which also proved to be accurate because it is harder for me to retain things such as graphs and pictures but easier for words and principles that I have written. I first realized I was better at learning through note taking when I was in junior high school. I always had an issue with not being able to understand history until my history teacher, Coach Helms, became my instructor. Instead of viewing timelines and maps, he taught his class with a combination of notes and handouts along with visual learning aides. I went from always making low grades to excelling in history due to my new ability to retain this information. Therefore, I truly agree that the Virk Learning Style Guide provides accurate results and helpful hints to each learning style to assist people in better retaining information. As mentioned above, along with the survey to better explain one’s learning style, the Virk Learning Style Guide website also offers hints and techniques to utilize to help

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