Personal Best Leader Experience

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Personal Best Leader Experience I helped a new student on his first day of school get used to the new environment and his teachers and how the students act. It was back in November of 2010. It lasted about 2 and a half months. Our teachers were also involved. My role was making sure he was aware of the environment of our school and make new friends. Then he started to get bullied and my teachers asked me to also help take care of him. Prior to the experience, I saw him in my class right before the experience started and thought that he needed a friend so I already felt led to help sometime soon. I knew it would be sometime that week, but I didn't realize he was in my math class and because of that, it started that day. During the experience, I felt like I was doing something for someone who desperately needed it. I always feel fantastic when I have the opportunity to help someone; but this particular time, I felt better helping than any time before this time. My teachers and speech therapist initiated it. I started listening to one of my teachers talk to him, and realized that he is a lot like me. Then I jumped into the conversation and got to know him instantly. My teachers asked me to help him. I eventually became the leader because they thought I was doing a fantastic job taking care of him. The results of this experience was that it caused us to be best friends. That's initially why my teachers made me the leader. We both needed a friend at the time and we became friends for each other. He learned that bullying is expected in middle school since that time of education is hard for most students. He also learned some students will be mean, but with the very caring adults we had in Middle School, that it will be dealt with. I cared, helped and advocated. My teachers and I made a huge difference by showing him that we care. We told him that if he comes to us
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