Perfect Competition In Market

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Perfect competition is a market structure defined by 4 characteristics: 1. There is perfect knowledge for all buyers and buyers and sellers. 2. There are a large number of buyers and sellers 3. There are no barriers to entry 4. The goods produced in perfectly competitive markets are homogenous. Since all the products are same, there is no brand loyalty and this makes it a perfectly elastic demand curve. Which means that a small change in price could cause a lot of change in the quantity demanded. This makes D average also makes it the marginal revenue curve since every time they sell an extra unit the same amount of extra revenue comes in.this is unique to this kind of market structure. Only in the short run can a firm make an abnormal profit because in the long run new business would enter the market. This is because in a perfect competition there is no barriers to entry and there is perfect knowledge. These firms are attracted by the abnormal profits. The entry of the new businesses will drive the supply from s-s1 where by reducing the price of the product. And as the price falls the abnormal profit of the firm is eroded. The new D is also known as the long run equilibrium. The longrun equilibrium tends to be steady since as the number of businesses in the industry increases the supply increases decreasing the price of the product. This leads to businesses leaving the industry due to less profitability. Since the demand is at the lowest point of the average cost the firm is in productive efficiency. The firms allocate the same amount of extra cost as the customers allocated the same amount of extra revenue there is also allocative efficiency. Some examples of perfectly competitive industries are agricultural products and foreign exchange
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