People Should Give Up Their Cars to Save the Earth” Do You Agree with This Statement?

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“People should give up their cars to save the earth” Do you agree with this statement? Our planet is in danger right now. In the past hundred years, we have wasted and misused the natural resource on earth. This leads to different environmental problems, like oil spills, endangered species. Do you think you should save the earth? Cars for most of the people are the second most important in their life. Without cars, life will be inconvenient and hectic. However, do you think people generally will give up their cars to save the earth? People need it to survive in their comfort zone, although it seems a bit mean and horrible to the earth, we need it to travel around for school, work, and home, literally everywhere. Besides, it is not possible to ask people to stop travelling by cars and change to bicycle or public transport. During Olympic in China, they tried to build path on roads for cyclers and encourage going on bike and public transport than going on cars. But at last, less than 20% of the population still adopts the plan. This show giving up cars to save the earth does not worth it. Furthermore, there are more than 750 million motor vehicles in the world now; do you think governments or organisations will be able to ask people to give up their cars? Even though people are welling to give up their cars, factories owners who produce diesel will continue producing because they need to earn money and make life with it. So I don’t think people should give up their cars. What will be a different to safe the earth is cut down in other area will be much more successful than giving up cars to save the earth. There are many different ways and plans to save the earth like cutting down the amount of clothes we dump every week, recycle everything we can, think before we buy. So 6Rs are important which is Recycle, Reuse, Reduce, Replace, Refuse and Rethink. If

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