Pedigody the Oppressed

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Pedagogy of the Oppressed Pedagogy of the Oppressed Summary Chapter One In chapter one of Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire (1970) writes in depth about how oppression occurs in our society. By being oppressed these individuals lose a sense of humanity resulting in dehumanization. Humanity entails qualities that make humans such as freedom, integrity, compassion, and understanding. Both oppressors and the oppressed are capable of both humanization and dehumanization characteristics. Dehumanization occurs when those who are robbed of their humanity and those who rob others of their humanity through violence, oppression, and injustice. An example of this would be the division of social classes. The upper class could be defined as the oppressor with the status of power, wealth, and knowledge contrasted to the lower class or the oppressed. The lower classes lack power and wealth but are capable of obtaining knowledge through learning. Only once that the oppressed are conscious of their position in society of being dehumanized can they understand their circumstance and fight for freedom. The oppressed must have a driving force to liberate not only themselves but also their oppressors. Freire states “The oppressors, who oppress, exploit, and rape by virtue of power, cannot find in this power the strength to liberate either the oppressed or themselves. Only power that springs from the weakness of the oppressed will be sufficiently strong to free both” (p.44). Two characteristics of the oppressed are fear of freedom and self-depreciation. Fear of freedom results from the oppressed having adopted the oppressor’s guidelines forcing them into conformity. Independence and responsibility are driving forces that are needed to restore their humanity in the oppressed. In the process of this acquisition the oppressed must be mindful that through this liberation they
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