Paulo Freire Essay

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The Greatest Educators Ever vs. For the Love of Knowledge Paulo Freire and William Brickman were two wonderful educators who made great contributions to the world of education. First, we will discuss their theories towards education and how these theories impacted their philosophies on the improvement of education in their time. In addition, I will explain some of the resistance each of them confronted in advanced stages of their research. I will also compare and contrast their contributions towards education while exploring components that could be possible contributors to their progress and their impact on a diverse array of contributors and scholars (Flanagan, 2005). Paulo Freire had to relocated his family to the country, where they experienced poverty's effect on education due to the crisis and the crash of Wall Street (Flanagan, 2005). Freire was able to maintain the browbeaten controlled, dominated, and suppressed (Flanagan, 2005 ). According to Freire, the oppressed gave students the opportunity to learn and make teachers sole owners of the knowledge (Flanagan, 2005). In Freire, opinion, the impression of banking towards an education is to allow students to learn in passive ways to allow them to listen to their teachers by providing them with the proper information to adjust and learn. Freire was sure that by repairing the education system, he was giving the students and teachers the opportunity to introduce an exchange of ideas (Flanagan, 2005). Freire's charity helped to overcome the problem that stock the position of the student, by supporting the students imagination to be more harmonious towards the life styles, promoting free thinking, and conversation to incorporates, faith, hope, and aid.(Flanagan, 2005). William Brickman was considered a very comparative educator as well as a renowned educator, polyglot. Brickman started the Comparative

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