Paul Keating Redfern Speech Analysis

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Paul Keating – Redfern Speech In the speech Keating challenges the established views of history held by numerous settlers of Europe by outlining the outrage committed against Australia’s Indigenous peoples in the course of colonial invasion of the country. He called upon the Australian people to imagine if these outrages had happened to the Australian community itself, quoting “We failed to ask - how would I feel if this were done to me?”. He also praised the significant contribution that Indigenous people have made to the development of the nation and the cultural and social life of Australia, quoting “In all these things they have shaped our knowledge of this continent and of ourselves. They have shaped our identity. They are there in the Australian legend. We should never forget - they helped build this nation. And if we have a sense of justice, as well as common sense, we will forge a new partnership”, underlining the Australian democratic passion for justice and proposing a way forward for the decade. This is an ambitious and courageous speech delivered at a time when there was significant division in the Australian society related to issues with Indigenous rights and justice for a colonised community. It is a speech that shows true leadership, indicating a…show more content…
Furthermore, indigenous writers have expressed anger and protest towards the loss of their culture to white civilization. Oodgeroo Noonuccal is a poet who seeks to raise the issues of the native land title and the oppression of Australian Aborigines. "Civilization" comments on the effects of white civilization on Aboriginal people. Throughout the text, various poetic techniques such as imagery, irony, tone and point of view, as well as poetic form are used to express deeply held views about the values and issues

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