Parents with Joint and Equal Custody of Children

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PARENTS HAVING JOINT CUSTODY OF THEIR CHILDREN There are advantages and disadvantages to parents having equal and joint custody of children. This type of custody is also called shared custody. It is a court order whereby custody of a child or children is awarded to both parents (Wikipedia). It is a type of custody that implies that each parent will have a significant amount of contact with a child. It may not necessarily be a 50 percent split of time, but close enough to it. It is often encouraged as an alternative to a dual-family household. It is a situation where the child or children live with one parent for part of the week (or part of the year), and live with the other parent during the remaining time. The division of time spent at each location is approximately equal. The children have the experience of living with both parents on a regular basis. Both parents are established as equals and enjoy approximately the same amount of parenting time with the children (Wikipedia). This type of custody can have ups and downs, especially for the children. There are several benefits or advantages to joint or shared custody. One of the advantages is that the child resides with and has meaningful contact with both parents. The child or children is able to bond and know both parents, thereby, reaping the benefits of knowing and loving both. The importance of fathers in their children lives is becoming more of a realization every day. Joint custody gives children an advantage at maintaining a good relationship with both the father and the mother. When parents divorce or break up, children often feel rejected. With joint custody, Judith Wallerstein found that ten years after divorce, children who were allowed continuous access to both parents appeared less likely to suffer from feelings of rejection, loss, and low self-esteem (Zinner, 2000). Other

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