ADHD Siblings Essay

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Impact of ADHD on Siblings Abstract Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD, is a disorder that impacts an individual’s life in many aspects. The impact of ADHD not only affects the individual but also the parents and siblings. These impacts can cause disturbances to the people in the family and change the family dynamic altogether. Siblings suffer these adverse effects of ADHD in more ways than one leaving them to feel many emotions ranging from happy to mad. Introduction Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most prevalent disorders in childhood (National Institute of Mental Health, 2009). In 2000, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (American Psychiatric…show more content…
Having a sibling with a learning disability such as ADHD can bring diversity and compassion to a child. Siblings can thrive from having an ADHD brother or sister. Siblings can grow in to well rounded, empathetic, mature, diverse, amazing parts of society. Siblings that have to grow up to adapt to their situations and behaviors learn to “go with the flow” which can make adulthood an easy adjustment with being able to work and live among all walks of…show more content…
The purpose of this paper was to examine some literature on the impact of ADHD on siblings. The result of the literature that was reviewed indicates that siblings feel a part of a dysfunctional family when one child has ADHD. The behaviors and symptoms associated with ADHD can put a hug strain on the sibling as well as the family and the affected child causing a major disruption. There needs to be more research done on how to cope and maintain a healthy family unit when one child has
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