Pacific Scandal

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Terms to Know for CHI4U Final Exam Pacific Scandal- The event in which John A. MacDonald took a bribe for 300,000$ from Sir Hugh Allan in exchange for the contract to build the Pacific Railway. National Policy- The election platform that John A. MacDonald used which included 3 promises to the people of Canada. * The promise to complete the building of the railway from coast to coast. * The promise to place a protective tariff on American importing and exporting. * The promise to invest money in the settlement of the western part of Canada. Conscription – It was a part of the Military Service Act of 1917. Every man had to join the army that was over 18, and if they were asked to. Sir Wilfrid Laurier…show more content…
MacDonald’s National Policy. It was supported by the farmers of the West and rejected by the business owners of the East. Company of One Hundred Associates – A group of French investors that established a trading and investment company in 1627. The King of France promised them exclusive ownership over the fur trade as long as they invested their money in New France and helped to bring more French Catholics to New France. Seven Years War – - The final stage of a century long battle fought between the British and the French. The British ended up winning the war and as a result France’s political power in North America was, for the most part, over. It meant the end of New France. Acadia - a colony in the eastern part of Canada that included Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, and New Brunswick. Jesuit - - a group of French Catholic missionaries that came to North America and wanted to convert the Aboriginals to their religion. They lived with the Huron people. Royal Proclamation…show more content…
The citizens vote for the electorate and the upper levels of government would have to get approval from them if they want to make changes. It made Canada more democratic. Expansionism- The idea that the Americans had a right to ownership over all of North America. Many Americans used the term “Manifest Destiny” when they referred to expansionism. It is one of the causes of the American Revolution and the War of 1812. Act of Union - The group of laws that joined Upper Canada and Lower Canada together to form the single province of Upper Canada in 1841. It was partly based off of the Durham Report. John A. Macdonald - The first prime minister of Canada. He was a part of the “Great Coalition”. He helped to organize Confederation. He was the leader of Canada West before Confederation. Loyalists- A group of Americans that remained loyal throughout the American Revolution. After the American Revolution they had to either go back to Britain or go to Canada. Many went to Canada and they are called Loyalists. Confederation - The union of the colonies and provinces into one federal union under one federal government. It was made legal by the British North America Act in 1867. Durham Report
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