Overview of a Nursing Specialty Area in Pediatric

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Overview Of A Nursing Specialty Area In Pediatric
Darika Churdsuwanrak
Intro to Nursing/ NURS110
Pacific Union College
March 7, 2013

Overview Of A Nursing Specialty Area In Pediatric Nurses of specialize in pediatric practitioner dedicate their knowledge and expertise into caring for children of all ages, from infancy through their late teen years and their families. They are a type of advance nurses. Pediatric nurse practitioners need to know about children’s growth and development, beneficial to adapt their interactions with different individual’s development stages. Furthermore, they need to know how to cope with children’s fear and talk with them, because sometimes their fear can lead to miscommunication. They should know how to talk to children in order to get accurate information to help in diagnosis and treatment. As Pediatric nurse practitioners, they not only take care of the children but also need to teach children’s family members how to prevent childhood diseases, and about proper nutrition for their growth and development. Prevention and education on healthcare is a fundamental of pediatric nursing. Pediatric nurse practitioner is a very special area in nursing specialty, because one has the opportunity to play principle role in every child’s life and provide the same general care that physician provide There are numerous specialty organizations of nurses that work in this area. The organization aim is to provide essential resources for pediatric nurses. Moreover, support its members in their professions. One of the organizations is “National Association Of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners “ or “NAPNAP”. According to NAPNAP, it stated, “Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (PNPs) are health care providers who are dedicated to improving children's health. PNPs have advanced education in pediatric nursing and
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