Two Different Roles In Health And Social Care Essay

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P1: Explain the requirements for two different careers in the health sector. The job role of a midwife is to provide advice, care and support for women and their babies during pregnancy, labour and the early postnatal period. They help women make their own decisions about the care and services they access. Their responsibilities are wide ranging and include; caring for new-born children, providing health education and parenting support immediately after delivery, until care is transferred to a health visitor. Midwives are personally responsible for the health of both mother and baby and only refer to obstetricians if there are medical complications. They work in multidisciplinary teams in both hospital, and increasingly, in community health care settings. Midwives do a multitude of duties, all the while following to hospital policy and maintaining an awareness of issues such as health and safety, examples of these duties are; diagnosing, monitoring and examining women during pregnancy, developing, assessing and evaluating individual programmes of care, providing full antenatal care, including screening tests in hospital, in the community and at home. Midwives identify high risk pregnancies and make referrals to doctors and other…show more content…
All clients have the right to view their files. However, no clients will have access to any information from a third party (e.g. the client's partner, children or other agencies) which is stored in their files. This is to protect the safety and confidentiality of others. However when a child is under the age of 16 years old, parents/ careers still have the right to access their files. But otherwise third party information should be stored separately within the client record. All computer records will be password protected and compliant with IT security
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