Outline Some of the Ways in Which Cultural Deprivation May Lead to Educational Under-Achievement for Working-Class Pupils

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Outline Some of the Ways in Which Cultural Deprivation May Lead to Educational Under-Achievement for Working-Class Pupils There are many ways in which cultural deprivation may lead to educational under-achievement working-class pupils. The term culture in sociology refers to all the norms, values and also beliefs that everyone gets from their primary socialization (Normally this is parents), this socialization is passed down from generation upon generation, thus creating a consensus. The term deprivation means the lack of material benefits which is consider to be basic necessities in society. A lack of social depravation is the failure of transmitting the appropriate norms, values, attitudes, and knowledge, there is considered a “right” culture that is need for success (in education) In a whole cultural deprivation theorist say that there is three factors, which is mainly responsible for the working-class to be under-achieving. One factor for the working-class under-achieving is that the working-class families are less likely to give their children toys that are educations, stimulating their thinking and reason skills. Another factor is that they are also less likely to read to their children also. These theorist believe that this effects the children’s intellectual development so when they begin, they are immediately at a disadvantage when compared with the middle-class children Secondly, another factor that is seen as responsible for the working-class to be under-achieving is known as “restricted speech code”. A sociologist called Bernstein has distinguished speech into two: “elaborated speech code” and “Restricted speech code”. The middle class are said to use the elaborated speech code , this tends to be a wide range of vocabulary and complex sentences. This speech code is often used by teachers, textbooks ect. This is what gives the middle-class pupils
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