Outline what a Catholic School should look like

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Outline what a Catholic School should look like Catholic schools are ‘voluntary aided maintained’ and are educators of the Roman Catholic Church so represent the Christian faith. Therefore, they aim to provide a Christian Education that follows the traditions and discipline within the Catholic Church while still teaching a study of religion and theology, a full curriculum with additional extra-curricular activities. Catholic schools are run in partnership with local and national government, which is highly valued by politicians and the Church. They now make up 10% of the state maintained system as part of the voluntary sector which provides almost a third of the school in England and Wales. There are many reasons for Catholic Schools still existing as a unique learning environment, one of which is because they have different values than that of an LEA school. The [Bishops ’Statement on Education, 1996] ‘Catholic Education aims to offer young people the experience of life in community founded on Gospel values. In religious education in particular, the Church aims to transmit to them the catholic faith. Both through religious Education and in the general life of the school, young people are prepared to service as witnesses to the moral and spiritual values in the wider world.’ These common Gospel values within the school are shared by parents, pupils, students and teachers who are committed to promoting ‘the search for excellence’ in which pupils are given every opportunity to develop their talents to the full and ‘the uniqueness of the individual’ where each pupil is seen as made in God’s image and loved by him. Perhaps a reason for the unique learning environment is the fact that all individuals are valued and respected. Leadership and Collective Worship are very important to the success of Catholic schools. It is up to the Governor’s to ensure the school

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