Outline and Evaluate the Theory of Planned Behaviour as a Model for the Prevention of Addictive Behaviour (4+6 Marks)

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Outline and evaluate the Theory of Planned Behaviour as a model for the prevention of addictive behaviour (4+6 marks) The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) is a cognitive theory which states that behavioural attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control, influence the intentions to engage in a particular behaviour and these intentions directly predicts behavioural outcomes. By understanding the process that leads to addiction, the theory of planned behaviour helps develop a basis to addiction prevention programmes. As the model states, behavioural attitudes are formed from the beliefs about possible outcomes of the behaviour and evaluating whether overall, the consequences will be bad or good. The US government launched a campaign to lower teenage marijuana use and they based their tactics on changing behavioural attitudes. To advocate messages that teenagers can directly relate to and perceive as a more realistic outcome, the campaign’s focus changed from risks of marijuana abuse to the fact that marijuana usage impacts on achieving aspirations. This message proved to be more successful which shows that the TPB has good ecological validity as it can be applied to real life situations. However campaigns like this view all teenagers as the same so the campaign doesn’t take individual differences into account. Also, factors other than intention can determine behaviour however this model doesn’t take this into account. For example, in real life situations, irrational determinants of human behaviour like strong desires and compelling emotions can lead people to act irrationally and carry out an unintentional behaviour e.g. taking marijuana. Although studies have found that TPB is successful in predicting intentions to change, this shows there is an ‘intention-behaviour gap’ in the TBL model and that it is not so accurate at actual behavioural change.

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