Outline and Evaluate the Multi-Store Model

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Outline and evaluate the Multi-Store Model of memory (12 marks) The Multi-Store Model is constructed of three kinds of memory, sensory, short term and long term. Sensory information enters the sensory memory, encoded through the 5 senses depending on the type of information. The sensory memory's capacity is limited and the duration of which information can be held there is immediate. If information is paid attention to it will enter short term memory (STM). The STM has a capacity of 7+/- 2 pieces of information. It has a duration of around 15-30 seconds without rehearsal. Information in STM is encoded acoustically. If participants rehearse the information it will stay in STM or be lost through displacement. Important information and extensive rehearsal will transfer information into long term memory ( LTM ) which has unlimited capacity and has a limitless duration. LTM encodes semantically which means that the information is given a meaning. Information can be retrieved from LTM to be used in STM when needed and can be forgotten through decay or displacement. A strength of this model is that it is based on real people rather than experiments, it shows ecological validity and can be applied to everyday life. For example, H.M. had brain surgery to cure severe epilepsy but this resulted in him being unable to transfer information from STM to LTM so that he could not form long term memories, supporting the concept that there are separate stores. Other evidence to support this model comes from medical technology such as MRI and PET scans which show different brain patterns when patients are performing tasks associated with STM and LTM, therefore showing there are separate stores in memory. However, the multi – store model shows low ecological validity as it is usually carried out in a lab. This is an artificial environment and also the information

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