Multi Store Model Of Memory

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Multi-store Model of Memory The Multi-Store Model of Memory is a study of memory and explains how the memory works. Atkinson and Shriffrin (1968) suggested that memory comprised of three separate memory stores, the Sensory memory (store), the Short Term Memory (STM) and the Long Term Memory (LTM). The Multi-Store Model also shows the processes by which the information is passed to each store. The model suggests that human memory involves a sequence of these three stages. Information passes through each stage/store by control processes. The information must pass through all stages in order to get to the end. SENSORY MEMORY The sensory memory receives incoming information. The information it receives is sensual i.e.visual or auditory. The Sensory Memory Store has a limited abilility to store information, any information received will either decay or by taking notice of the information can then continue forward to the (STM). In 1960 Sperling’s investigation into the capacity of the iconic memory suggests that the (SMS) are large but decay very rapidly. SHORT TERM MEMORY STORE The (STMS) holds the information which has been transferred over from the sensory store. The storage time can range between 20-30 seconds if not ‘rehearsed’. It can hold a limited amount of items; Miller 1956 suggested 7 items plus or minus 2 in his study known as Millers magic number seven. However by rehearsing the information using a process known as ‘chunking’ whereby the information is consolidated into trigrams of information: i.e. from A D F G H T B M Y to ADF GHT BMY By using this method the capacity of the STM can be increased and is more likely to be able to pass to the Long Term Store. Encoding also takes place in the STM, both visually and
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