Human Relationships In Society

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In life, we make several relationships, as human beings, the need to social and develop relationship with others is very necessary. However, to find a sense of belonging and to fit into a group, we need to be like them. Obviously, we tend to share more and be understood more when we’re surrounded by the people who are like us. There is no doubt that our relationships with others help us to reflect and define who we are. Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives are mimicry, and their passions are quotations. When we were born, our thought is just like a white piece of paper. During the time we grow up, our relationships and behaviours with others shape our way of thinking and our thought of life.…show more content…
People believe that others who get involved in the same situation as them will understand them better, in both ways how they react and why they do so. For example, when we are abused in school, we may hang around with people who also are abused, because we believe we can form a group to protect ourselves against the bully. That may be true, maybe not, but the environment where we grow up and live is very important to define who we are. In the book “Growing up Asians in Australia”, the story “Bake beans and burnt toast” depicts the idea carefully and obviously. …In the story is a Hong Kong girl who remembers about her past when she first comes to Australia and everything is strange to her. She gets treated differently because she is the only Asian girl in the school. But she is not alone, … befriends with a Hungarian girl who is also different with others because she also is not Aussie. … even describe her isolated lunchtime with her friend because they both bring a different lunchbox which hers is “fried rice and spring roll”. Sometimes we don’t just communicate and socialize with people who are the same as us, but also people who are different from us, to emphasize who we are and how we are different from…show more content…
As an international student who is studying in Australia, I feel such a tense just to understand and share anything with my classmates. We are different in everything, the appearance, the language and also culture. The only thing that brings us together is the curiosity that we have for different cultures. However, to socialize with Aussie people, I feel a very obvious sense of self. The differences help to define who I really am. I’m Asian, eat Asian diet and live in my Asian way. That is it until I feel the need to adopt a different culture just to enhance and improve the way of living. The true self is extremely important when associate with different culture. When we have a true sense of self, we won’t assimilate. Although I have been living in Australia for five years, I still feel as if I belong to my mother country. Perhaps it's impossible to wear an identity without becoming what you pretend to be. Therefore, developing our relationships with others help us to define who we are by contrasting and comparing ourselves with
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