Online vs Traditinal Education

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Online vs. traditional education Deciding to go back to school can be very exciting. Once you decided to go back to school, you need to determine what type of education will be right for you. You can either choose online education or traditional education. Online education allows the student to learn at his/her speed; traditional education gives the students the tools and resources to succeed. Online education is done at the convenience of your own home or you can even do it while at work. Traditional classes require students to attend classes on a schedule at a specific date and time. Some students are able to do the traditional education by being in a classroom. Others with busy schedules that have a full time job and a family, it might be hard for them to be in a classroom. There are similarities between online vs. traditional education, even though you don’t attend a physical campus. You are receiving the same type of education if you were attending a campus. Online classes don’t require to drive to a campus. When taking online classes, make sure you have a computer, Internet and have the correct systems to do online courses. You may be required to purchase certain software to be able to do your assignments. They will let you know what programs are needed to do online courses. If taking online courses, expect to do a series of reading and writing assignments related to the course you are enrolled in. Each week you will be given reading material to read. You will also have exams on the reading material that you read as well as homework. You may be required to watch a video associated with your reading material. Your assignments are graded, and you are given feedback on the work you turn in. Another similarity is the use of text books. Even though a course may be taken online, text books are still central to learning related information.

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