On Writing Well

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In William Zinsser’s “On Writing Well”, there are many primary points worth discussion on whether to agree or disagree with him. A primary point Zinsser makes, “Clutter is the disease of American writing.” If I had been asked to comment on this quote before I had read Zinsser’s book I would have looked at you, as I had no idea what you were talking about. But now that I have read the book, I could not agree more. Now that Zinsser has made me aware of such clutter in most writing today, I could not be any more critical of everything I read now. Clutter is a going habit for many writers to “fluff” their articles or papers to make them appear longer. All this does is frustrate the read and put them to sleep, as Zinsser made very clear. Zinsser also addresses how we should view our audience as we write. At first I though we needed to take serious note and think about who we were really writing for. But no, Zinsser makes it simple and clear than we should write for our selves to achieve a good quality piece. I agree with Zinsser, if I write something with having the reader in mind it never comes out the way intended it, but if I just write for my self it makes complete sense and just needs a love to get it where it needs to be in its finally stage. One thing that I do not agree with Zinsser on is that there are certain words that we should and shouldn’t use. As Zinsser makes verbiage come off as such a key in our writing, it’s not clear why some words are okay to use and some aren’t. I do understand why some of the words shouldn’t be used but some it just doesn’t make sense why they can’t be used in our writing. I would like Zinsser to clarify a few primary points he makes in “On Writing Well”. One being style. I understand how we all have are own style of writing, but on the other hand I do not understand how we are suppose to keep the style write when he wants us to
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