On Ethics, Spirituality and Sustainable Development

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ON ETHICS, SPIRITUALITY, AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Sustainable development has three (3) dimensions as reiterated by United Nations, namely economic development, social equity, and environmental protection.[1] Economic development is considered achieved when there is the improvement of the quality of life of every “human being” (or in the perspective of the advocates to Biospheric Democracy, all “things that have life”). This entails the consumption of natural resources to serve the purpose of sustaining decent living; having food, clothes, shelter, and education appropriate to becoming a productive citizen. Social equity is the allocation of scarce resources among the rich and poor. Social equity need not be equal distribution of the natural wealth but that more be given to those who will make better utility of the resource or capital. In the consumption of nature, environmental protection will keep the life sustained until the future generations. It is not sustainable development if one will live for one’s survival alone; disregarding the thought about what will be left for those who are yet to be born. Ethics and Sustainable Development I am drawing a picture in my mind about a business, who in the process of manufacturing goods and services, draws from nature, gets paid for its output, while leaving toxic waste behind. Businesses forget to account for the footprint it leaves, much more it forgets all about how to restore the finite resources it exhausted. Development has been understood as to increasing productivity and resource allocation, always going a level higher, and forward and has excluded housekeeping, which is the going back and taking care of the mess left after the workshop hours. This as I see it, is a myopic view of what development is. Development is not only for the present, it lies much beyond that. What happens next when
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