According to Marx, How Is ‘Labour’ Organised in the ‘Capitalist Mode of Production’, and in What Sense Is It ‘Exploited’?

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In this essay I will explain how labour is organized in the capitalist mode of production according to Marx and then go on to discuss how Marx thinks labour is exploited and give real world examples that back up his point. Labour according to Marx is organized into two classes[Marx and Engels:1848:pp 220] , bourgeoisie of whom can be described as the owners of the means of production and proletariat who own only their labour power, employed by these owners. Capitalists produce commodities for exchange market, which they sell at a price greater than the cost of labour but must also remain competitive, and therefore will try to cut labor costs[Marx and Engels:1848:pp224]. Proletariat are nothing but there ability to work so have to work for the bourgeoisie to survive .They produce commodities, they have two values which are there use value that is what they are worth to you and an exchange value which is the value in which you exchange for other commodities and will only be produced if they produce a profit when exchanged. The bourgeois are on a continual pursuit to be more productive and generate more profit with little regard for proletariat. This surplus (profit) only comes from this mode of production (capitalism), As technology develops labour becomes more productive, for example in India [Tully:2012] as tea plucking machines are being developed the employment of the assam tea pickers is in jeopardy, and just dismissing the proletariat workers as soon as a cheaper form of labour is available demonstrates Marx point that the Bourgeosie main interest is profit and not the interests of the proletariat worker. This exploitation of labour is ruining culture as the tea was picked by handed for generations traditionally. Marx believes the proletariat will replace the capitalist mode of production, as eventually people like the tea workers will stand up to the

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