Odysseus Character Analysis Essay

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Odysseus: A man of twist and turns Imagine having the people you love and cherish so much being miles and miles away from you and the place where you’re the ruler of is beyond the horizon. This is the feeling of Odysseus during his journey home from the Trojan War. His journey home from the war was not an easy one. This journey puts him through multiple trials and tribulations. Though the journey is tough, it is not tougher than Odysseus. Odysseus has the defining character traits of a Homeric leader: strength, courage, loyalty, nobility, a thirst for glory, and confidence in his authority. His most distinguishing trait, however, is his sharp intellect. Odysseus’s quick thinking helps him out of the tough situations that are put before him. Unfortunately, because of the length of time that Odysseus is away from home, the situations that he must face causes his loyalty to weaken, as well as the strength of his various motivations. On his journey back to Ithaca, Odysseus faces many challenges, yet he us willing to accept these challenges which sometimes cause a conflict between his men and his loyalty to society. One of the places he encounters is the land of the Cyclopes which wasn’t exactly home sweet home. When they arrived his men…show more content…
Odysseus faces several conflicting motivations and loyalties. There were times when he just wanted to give up but he didn’t, there were times where he had to choose where his loyalty would lie and the decision may have seemed selfish, but it was the right thing. This was no ordinary journey and not many modern day heroes would not have been able to handle, but Odysseus wasn’t just any hero, he is an epic hero. He displays all the characteristics of an epic hero; humble, confident, bold, trust in gods, and the ability to stay calm. Most people would never survive such a journey, but as I said before Odysseus is like no other and he is truly a man of twist and

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