Odd Ducks Essay

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Enrich Jobs at Standard Decoy 1. How did the odd ducks program enrich the jobs at standard decoy? Answer - Enriching Jobs at Standard Decoy was about improving and motivating the employees at a specific company. Standard Decoy was a company that made traditional wood hunting decoys for years. Although they definitely made profit and it was a fairly successful business, the employees seemed happy yet bored and not completely satisfied. The owner's grandson, Alcorn, decided there needed to be a change. After surveys and talking to the employees, he came up with a new approach. He decided job rotation. However, this was not successful because no one could master their new jobs. Finally, Alcorn came up with a completely new approach. This was to create a brand new program, called Odd Ducks. Workers were still responsible for producing the usual number of ducks, but they were now allowed to use company tools and materials any time they wanted to work on their own projects. Employees were now creating their own ducks, in different shapes and styles. I found the Odd Ducks program to be an excellent idea. This seemed to be successful because the employees were more than just workers on an assembly line. They were now personalizing their work. They were being creative and actually enjoying their job. This definitely motivated the employees because they now felt that they were making a difference in the company 2. What motivated workers to participate in marking the odd ducks Answer - In this case, it was not merely money that motivated the employees; instead job enrichment motivated them. Prior to this program, the employees were getting bored with their work and didn't take much pride in it because their tasks weren't very meaningful and they were not even creating a whole product. The "Odd Ducks" program enriched the jobs at Standard Decoy in several ways. It
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