Observational Analysis

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In [1], author discusses about the working posture in polishing industry, issues faced by the works, analysis based on it and a tool to tackle the issues. Awkward working posture is a physical factor identified in occupational musculoskeletal injuries. The workers in the polishing process must perform in awkward postures like squatting and stooping to reach the entire surface of the product. This study is aimed at determining how much of risk is arising from polishing process and what are the ways of improving the polishing process in the polishing industry. The discomfort of the polishing working process is indicated using Nordic Body Map Questionnaires. REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment) is used to provide the postural analysis of observational…show more content…
The assessment indicates that the workers are working above the secure limit and that is they are prone to risks. This study here shows the assessment of work posture of the workers who are engaged in various activities of small scale and other industries. The evaluation of posture was done by the RULA and REBA. The worksheet was used for the assessment. The REBA method identified that few of the workers were under lower levels of risk and majority are at higher risk levels. And the RULA method determined that the majority/many of the workers were under higher risk levels and is candidates for immediate change. This research shows that; there is a limited/less exposure to ergonomics awareness and understanding in small scale industries. Evaluation using postural analysis by RULA and REBA indicates that the workers are working above the secure limit. The major percentages of the workers are having awkward postures. Thus the workers are under moderate to high risk of Musculoskeletal…show more content…
The two tools are Rapid Entire Body Assessment versus New Zealand Manual Handling Hazard Control Record. The two tools are used for assessing, planning and implementing changes in manual handling practices in the supermarket industry. The Existing manual handling practices which were being used within these supermarkets were assessed using each of the two tools. Both the tools were used to review the most hazardous tasks after they were revised to improve and also the work methods, to determine the usefulness and effectiveness of these tools. This method used to analyze generated lot of discussion regarding the benefits, loopholes and use of each tool. The tool’s usefulness appears depending on the reason for assessing and predicted the result. The REBA is more useful if specific biomechanical or ergonomic changes are being implemented to decrease risk of work-related injury. The New Zealand Code of Practice for Manual Handling 'Hazard Control Record' Risk Score analysis process takes into account many factors other than Biomechanics and Ergonomics and lacks specificity and objectivity; however it is less reductionist. It assists the user toward implementing controls, which are thorough, multi-factorial and useful to control hazards relating to several other areas, including task, environment, people, load and the management
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