Mental Health Aswearness, Unit 2 Stress.

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Unit 2 : Understanding stress Section 2.1: The symptoms and causes of stress 1, Define the term “stress”. Stress – is a sign of excessive overload and a negative response to pressure caused by demands from someone’s aspect of life/lifestyle (work place, relationships, personal problems, health or financial pressure).It Effects the mind, body or both leaving people feeling exhausted. Left untreated for a long time can cause deep depression or anxiety disorders. 2, Describe how stress can affect an individual. In other words, describe some of the symptoms of stress. Stress can affect people in many different ways either psychologically, emotionally, physically or with behavioural signs (usually with a mix of a few) .Each individual will react differently too. Some will feel they can’t “cope” with the slightest bit of pressure while others could “cope” very well to a lot some even thrive on pressure. When we feel stressed it can leave us with many symptoms and affect our mood (mood swings). We can get frustrated, angry and at times be extra sensitive to criticism which can make us become very defensive. Some common signs of stress are lack of concentration, insomnia or sleep pattern change (too much or not enough) muscle tension, headaches and aches and pains. More severe symptoms if stressed for a considerable amount of time can lead to high blood pressure or strain to the heart (which could even lead to heart attacks). Some people when stressed will turn to alcohol, smoking, drinking caffeine or eating excessively. We can gain or lose weight through excessive worrying. 3, Describe a time when you have felt under stress and explain what it felt like. I experienced stress just the other day when I had typed all my course work out on a lap-top and then when I tried to print it out my lap-top wouldn’t recognise my printer. I was aware of my deadline and I

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