Obesity And Community Intervention Paper

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Overweight and obesity has become a national epidemic problem. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity has affected a third of the adults in the United States and a third of the Americans seem to be getting fatter. (Freedman, 2011) It has created many problems, such as an increase in health insurance premiums, health related diseases and unhappy lives. These factors are affecting Americans of all ages and the problem is not going away unless drastic interventions are implemented. In the present paper, overweight and obesity is being investigated. It has been hypothesized that overweight and obesity stems from eating behavior, environment and socio economic status. Research has shown that these factors come…show more content…
Some of the major behavior initiatives that are directly related to obesity and overweight are being implemented in Healthy People 2020. Healthy People 2020 is a guide to help the community be healthy, prevent obesity and being overweight. For example, there is a section called M.A.P.I.T, which stands for mobilize, assess, plan, implement and track. The community can also go this website and search the clinical recommendations for screening for obesity in adults, behavioral counseling in primary care to promote a healthy diet. There are also community interventions which provide the following: * Obesity Prevention and Control, Interventions in Community Settings: Worksite Programs * Obesity Prevention and Control: Behavioral Interventions to Reduce Screen…show more content…
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