Nvq Level Ssop33

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SSOP33 SSOP33.1] Understand the impact of multiple conditions and/or disabilities on individuals 1.1 Describe possible multiple conditions and/or disabilities that individuals may have. Individuals may have multiple conditions/disabilities such as physical and mental health problems, learning difficulties and sensory loss. Extra support may be required for individuals that have multiple conditions. 1.2 Explain how multiple conditions and/or disabilities may have an additional impact on the individual's wellbeing and quality of life. Multiple conditions and disabilities can affect an individual’s emotional and physical wellbeing. They may require extra support and encouragement with any activities they undertake, as well as empathy and support with any emotional needs they may have. 1.3 Explain how multiple conditions and/or disabilities may impact on individuals opportunity to participate in a range of activities. General housework tasks, personal care and social activities can all become difficult to a person with multiple conditions and disabilities. They may have problems dealing with other everyday situations such as shopping, working, administering their medication and paying bills, and may require support with these situations also. [SSOP33.2] Understand own role in supporting individuals with multiple conditions and/or disabilities. 2.1 Describe own role in supporting the wellbeing of individuals with multiple conditions and/or disabilities. In my role, I encourage and assist Service Users with washing/bathing, dressing, oral care, hair care, administering medication, food and drink intake, weight care, stoma care, catheter care, continence, sending items to laundry, bed changing/making, arranging practitioner visits, independence, dignity, privacy, activity participation, I also update and
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