Unit 58 Essay

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Unit 58: Support Individuals to Meet Personal Care Needs 1.1 Encourage an individual to communicate their needs, preferences and personal beliefs affecting their personal care The caring environment may involve many different people therefore it is important as a carer you are aware of individual service users needs, preferences and personal beliefs. This may involve a service user of a particular culture or someone simply preferring a bath to a shower either way it is good practice to understand the individual service users requirements. Carers may experience difficulty understanding service users needs perhaps due to the person being unable to communicate. In cases such as this other forms of communication may be needed alternatively speaking to a family, friend or previous carer of the service user may be helpful. Once a service users needs and preferences are made clear it is vital, where possible the carer respects this and cares for the service user as they choose. It is important to avoid any offence or disrespect to the service user as their preferences may be due to their religion or cultural belief, for example the individual may require a care worker of the same gender to assist with their personal care needs. 1.2 Establish the level and type of support and individual needs for personal care To establish the level and type of support a service users needs I would ask the service user how much help they need or require, what they are comfortable with and anything they may be worried about. I would read the risk assessment they have in place in their care plan, as it would give me information on the service users ability to participate and highlight any possible risks. I would promote independence, encouraging active participation so that they feel in control of the amount of support they receive. An occupational therapist can help in advising on
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