Nvq Level 3 Unit 301

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Unit 301 – Principles of communication in adult social care settings Outcome 1 – Understand why effective communication is important in adult social care settings 1.1 – People communicate for many different reasons, some of these are; to share ideas with other people, to reassure someone, build relationships with others, to express individual needs and also to simply socialise with other people. 1.2 – Communication effects relationships within an adult social care setting in many different ways both positive and negative. Communication between everyone i.e. clients, carers or family members. Communication with our clients is the most important part of our jobs as it will give clients the confidence to do what they want to do as they will have developed a bond of trust as they know that you are committed to helping them. Outcome 2 – Understand how to meet the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of an individual 2.1 – There are two main ways with which we communicate, verbal and non-verbal. Our first method of establishing communication is using non-verbal communication, we use eye contact to make the person aware of us or tapping someone on the shoulder if they are unable to see you and then speak their name so that they know that it is to them we are speaking to. Body language or non-verbal communication is how we show a great majority of the information with which we are giving out. Verbal communication is the information which we are intending to give out. 2.2 – When promoting effective communication there are many factors to consider. The eyes are one of these as we interpret thoughts and feelings by whether or not someone is looking at us while they speak. The face is another factor but this is one that is complex as shows many messages, some that we are able to read easily others that could mean multiple things.

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