Nutrition for Wellness

940 Words4 Pages
Nutrition for Wellness All living things need food and water to live. Beyond that, we need nutrients to live well. From this point of view, we can describe nutrition as a science of how the body uses food. Understanding how good nutrients protect us and allow us to function properly is of great importance. Nutrition’s main task is to describe which foods and beverages provide the energy and essential materials we need to support our bodies and maintain every organ and system. To some extent, nutrition is involved in almost all of the aspects of human life. Carol Ann Rinzler states it as:” Nutrition is about why you eat what you eat and how the food you get affects your body and health”. Improving knowledge about the importance of nutrition and developing healthy eating habits is one of the most important challenges of our society. Nutrition is the foundation for health and development, and it plays a significant role in our lives. Healthy people are stronger, more productive and able to create greater opportunities through their work lives. The essential nutrients that the human body requires are carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins, minerals, and water. The first three are called fuel nutrients, because they’re the only substances that the body uses to supply the energy needed for work and normal body functions. The three others- vitamins, minerals, and water- are regulatory nutrients. They have no caloric value but are still necessary for a human to function normally and maintain good health. Many nutritionists add to this list a seventh nutrient: fiber. Fiber is very important for good health. Recommended amounts seem to provide protection against several diseases, including cardiovascular disease and some cancers. Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and water are termed macronutrients, because we need them in proportionately large
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