Nutrition Case Study 11

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Ryan is a 21-year-old college student who is very interested in bodybuilding. His ambition is to compete in bodybuilding on the local and then state levels, and perhaps one day enter competition on the national level. He is 6'1" tall and weighs 212 lbs. Because of his lean body mass, he does not look overweight. He works out every day for two to three hours, working different body parts each time. His goal is to gain 25 pounds. To do so, he is taking dietary supplements including protein, vitamin E, and creatine. The gym he attends has high quality equipment and support services. Among the gym's services are cardiovascular and respiratory evaluation, fat analysis and dietary instruction. He considers speaking with the dietitian, but her main job is working with people who are overweight, so Ryan decides not to seek her advice. What Ryan knows about nutrition comes from various bodybuilding magazines. He has put himself on a high-protein, low-carbohydrate, and low-fat diet. He obtained a calorie counter book from a newsstand and uses it to determine the amounts of carbohydrate, fat and protein he eats. He has discovered that he takes in 10 percent or less of his total calories from fat. Ryan is eating 150 g of protein per day. He understands that the best protein is egg, so his 150 g of protein includes four raw eggs per day. In addition, he eats 3 g of protein powder before working out, 3 g after working out, 3 g in the morning, and 3 g in the evening. The protein powder is a combination of amino acids he adds to skim milk. He is also taking a high-stress multiple vitamin and mineral tablet every day. The tablet contains 200 percent of his requirement for vitamins A and D. The vitamin A is in the acetate form. In some of his magazines, he has read that vitamin E prevents oxidative stress caused by physical activity, so he takes a Vitamin E supplement each day. He

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