Nuclear Family Essay

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Introduction Essay Nuclear family is a flexible type of family structure where parents and their children living in the same tenant. The Children who lived with only one natural parent they are benefit more than other children from extended family. On another not the extended family has a large family size which requires more resources to survival. But nuclear family is more flexible because it has smaller family size. They live high-quality sheltered expensive houses, and they went to the private schools. Their parents make sure that they never get into contact with the street children. People from the nuclear family have few children and have to make sure that they are safe from the street. The context of Elizabeth Beck Post-families is a fundamental issue in social society. Family is a social institution found in all the societies and which unite individual’s needs. People have relationships among themselves and share their ideas to promote the culture to the children. Traditional nuclear family is made up of a father, mother and a number of children. Children in nuclear families have strengths and weaknesses to dealing with their mother and father. They have more opportunities like access to schooling material. They have more advantages than other children who were in the extended family, because nuclear families children don’t share things with other relatives children like extended families do. The nuclear family father has responsibilities to bringing food, building houses and repairing fences. He trains the boys how to farm and he also sends them to circumcision camps to learn other thing like hunting animals. He arranges marriages for his children in consultation with his parents. The nuclear family can be a nurturing environment in which to raise children until they become adults. Father and mother take care of their children financially and
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