Nuclear Families In The Industrial Era

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Nuclear families are a form consisting of father, mother and their biological children. Also referred to as the 'traditional' family. Not timeless or universal concept. Extended family- kin networks that extend outside or beyond the nuclear family. End vs. Ex Endogamy- marriage from within ones social group. Exogamy- marriage from outside ones social group. Human partnering is patterned by history, culture, and law. Mono vs. Poly Monogamy: the practice of having only one spouse or partner. Polygamy: the practice of having more than one partner or spouse at a time. Polygyny: Cohabitation: living together in an intimate relationship without formal or legal or religious sanctioning. Early Modern Families- pre industrialization.…show more content…
Kinship networks- strings of relationships between people related by blood and marriage. Lateral kinship ties ( same age group) Minimal division of labor between the sexes. Children= small adults. Families in the Industrial Era Separate spheres of work and home. Family= strictly site for consumption. Gendered division of labor. (Men go to the factory, women stay at home. Gendered places.) Increase of family mobility> separation from kinship networks. Cult of domesticity: the notion that true womanhood centers on domestic responsibility and child bearing. Post-WWII Family Model nuclear family idealized- only attainable by white middle- and upper-class families. Real wages increase in the 1950's. divorce rate decrease. Fertility boom (Baby Boom.) Rampant teenage pregnancies- twice as high as the 90's. Decline in women's workforce participation. Since the 1970's Women's labor force participation increase! Fertility rates have dropped. Divorce rates have increased. "Second
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