Nothing Gold Can Stay

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Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay. The poem itself is a loose metaphor of nature as real life. I believe that the poem begins by talking about the beauty of spring and how the first sight of flowers after the long winters give us a sign of natures true worth. This can be related to real life in the aspect of first love. This love does not necessarily need to be of another human but can be of material things or activities as well. The first time you love, that thing that you cherish becomes gold. Love is an emotion that allows you to give everything in order to protect something. When you first get that feeling it becomes precious to you. You hold on tight to it and allow it to consume you. Such as the way Gold and money consume the world. Although this love is normal just like the bloom of spring, to the beholder it seems as precious as gold. This first love is not an easy thing to hold on to. As humans we are not amused by object for long periods of time. Even at a young age dating becomes casual to say the least. It is often hard to hold on to that feeling. Those “butterflies can often escape and fly to a new abode in another. Just as the spring seems to pass by in a blur, so to does the love you once held on to. Although this happens naturally and not due to the actions of the lover, the sadness still creeps up on them. As “Eden sinks in grief”, the love is also effected by the world around and must return to what it was before. “ Nothing Gold can Stay”. Even if love does begin to stay it can not outrun death and therefore absolutely every love falls into
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