Essay Compare And Contrast George And Lenny's Relationship

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Something that people just tend to do naturally is find someone to pair off with. Its almost as if there is something pulling people together whether it is something the people know about or not. Just like in real life books show many instances where people get paired together for some big reason. OF Mice and Men, The Scarlett Letter, and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn all show where people get paired up almost as if there is some greater force driving these characters toward each other. Of Mice and Men’s George and Lenny are two people from two totally different backgrounds that come together despite all odds in order to become wealthier and make it in the big world. Each must thrive off of what the other is best at Lenny is smart and witty, while George is big and strong, but lacking a little…show more content…
In order to obtain this wealth and luxury they must stay together and help each other because without one both character’s goals would be unobtainable. George and Lenny’s relationship is important to the story because their friendship that they develop through the book explains the internal conflict that Lenny goes through to realize that he must kill George. This complicated relationship between friends, shows that anyone can become paired to another person no matter if that’s your intent or not. An even odder relationship is the one between Chillingworth and Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter. As soon as they meet and get married they are instantly stuck together for life even if they are not married. According to Hester the marriage was never a true marriage out of love, but just an attempt at a better life, but despite this fact Chillingworth still loved and cared for Hester as if some kind of love would come back to him in return. This odd couple will forever be tied together because of the muddy past they had that was never resolved for Chillingworth until he finds out with whom Hester committed adultery with.

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