North American Settlers Essay

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Before European settlers arrived, Indigenous peoples in North America utilized land in a way that somewhat planned for its continued use. This system largely succeeded because the indigenous peoples did not have a dense population and used land in a manner that preserved the diversity of species in the area (Steinburg, 17). They utilized land under the assumption that it was more a regulated commons than the Europeans who surveyed and split land into areas of private property. With the introduction of a market economy, these areas of private land were used not only for subsistence but were also used intensively to create surpluses of resources that could be sold in exchange for finished commodity items. During the 18th and 19th centuries, settlers…show more content…
This was the belief that the land and resources in North America were both decidedly limitless and were meant for settlers to use freely. Filson suggests that the good trade routes of the then largely unsettled territory of Kentucke were created by nature “principally to promote the happiness and benefit of mankind” largely by allowing man to transport produce from the fertile lands of Kentucke (Course Reader, 3). One writer in 1782 discussed North America as a massive land of “unknown bounds” where untold millions of people could be supported and fed (Course Reader, 12). During this time, it was the belief of many settlers that land and resources had been specifically provided in order to further them in their endeavors of trade and commerce. These beliefs led to a system where land was often degraded at a swift rate because people believed that they could always find more land to settle and exploit. Although Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton held differing views of what they believed the economic system of the United States should be, both agreed that further expansion of the lands owned by the United States would be carried out in the name of
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