North American Colonization

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Colonization of northern America During the colonization of North America three countries rained supreme over all the rest: Britain, Spain, and France. These three countries colonized most of North America at some Pont; this is including any colonies that split from them. France had most of the northern land on the east coast, and Spain had almost all the southern land and some of the land on the west coast, including what was under Mexican jurisdiction. Britain had most of what was between them on the east coast, and some of central North America. Single handedly they covered most of North America, and South America if you count Spain, even though they had many differences. Spain ruled a vast empire based on the labor and exploitation…show more content…
The introduction of African traditions to the Native American and mestizo cultures already in existence made for a social mixture richer than in almost any other part of the world, although racism continued to play a dark role in the New World. Colonial society was hierarchical, based upon on the amount of non-Spanish blood a person possessed. A complicated system, called the casta, delineated over 100 separate names for groups containing certain levels of Indian and African blood. Jobs, government positions, titles to land, and almost everything else in the Americas functioned according to this system with those at the top getting preference over those lower on the list. Discrimination and repression were features of Spanish colonial rule throughout its…show more content…
Proprietary colonies, such as Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware, were basically land grants from the British government. Individuals were awarded huge tracts of land that they would then supervise and govern, usually in return for political or financial favors. These colonial governors reported directly to the king. Self-governing colonies, including Rhode Island and Connecticut, formed when the king granted a charter to a joint-stock company, and the company then set up its own government independent of the crown. The king could revoke the colonial charter at any time and convert a self-governing colony into a royal colony. Britain mainly focused on tobacco and other crop for there colonizes to survive. As a result of this there was a lot of exspanchen as Brittan became rich and sent more colonist, and they stared relatively peaceful until the French and hundred years war spread to the Americas as the French and Indian

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