Norman Rockwell's A Problemcoming Solider

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Norman Rockwell (1894-1978) Norman Rockwell was best known for his paintings that depicted stories of America and its cultural values through a series of people and small town life in the early to mid 20th century. At the age of 14, Rockwell dropped out of high school to go study art at Arts Students League. By the age of 19, Rockwell attained the chief illustrator for Boys Life magazine position and would hold that position for the next fifty years. Rockwell also worked for The Saturday Evening Post and about 150 other companies producing over 4000 works of art. Rockwell did travel to Paris in 1923 to study modern art but it was his root original style that everyone appreciated the most. Norman Rockwell was definitely the artist who represented America and the values and freedoms America stood for. The two works that really express these ideas are “A Problem We All Live With” and “Homecoming Solider.” “A Problem We All Live With”, which depicts an African American girl being escorted by U.S. Marshals into a middle school, was done later in Rockwell’s life and really had a significant effect on America. The painting was done as a 10 year anniversary to Brown vs. The Board of Education of Topeka. The court case was proof…show more content…
This painting was so popular that it was adopted as the official government poster of the U. S. Treasury Bond Drive. The poster was then printed and reproduced over three hundred thousand times and distributed around the country. The painting was a very accurate depiction of American life in that there is trash on the ground but the overwhelming fact of the solider coming home dwarfs the very existence of the trash. Rockwell can even be spotted in the painting sticking his head out the door with a surprised look which exposed the easy-going character of

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