Non-Profit Organizations

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Title: Impact of Unrelated business activities income tax on Non-Profit organizations and the misuse of tax exempt status by Managers to over compensate and misallocate expenses. Non-Profit organizations are those that can receive tax-deductible contributions. Nonprofits fall into one of three general categories: hospitals, schools, and other charitable organizations. Pensions or social clubs cannot be included in this list. Religious organization may gain non-profit status, however they are not supposed to provide information reports to IRS. Non-Profit organization are usually exempt from paying income taxes, however they are subject to unrelated business income-tax on activities that are not related to exempt purposes. Although nonprofits…show more content…
Any organization interested in obtaining tax-exempt status must apply for the same with US treasury. Exemption is partial and not all activities may be deemed exempt. US Corporate income tax is also exempted for Non Profit organizations. Some examples of activities that may seem not exempt are ticket sales for college football in University. Advertising revenue is taxable under the UBIT in most cases. Interest, dividends, and capital gains earned by endowment funds of public universities is usually exempt from taxation. However debt financed activities are taxable under the UBIT. An important exception is that debt-financed investments are subject to the…show more content…
Program ratio, also indicate that a larger proportion of total expenses are directed toward the related activities. Therefore higher program ratios indicate effective and efficient. The second most crucial metric in measuring the effectiveness of a non-profit organization is fundraising ratio, so a higher fund raising ration will explain that most costs are used by cost of fund raising activities. To alleviate concerns over the reporting standards of non-profit organizations, Congress appooitned the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to conduct a study of nonprofit reporting (United States GAO 2002). Some weaknesses found were that many organizations will fail to report any fund raising

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