No Disrespect: Critical Anaylsis

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NO DISRESPECT No Disrespect is the theme of Sister Souljah’s autobiography based on her past experiences, as well as the title of her novel. Her choice of having no regrets from her ignorant mistakes and no apologies is beneficial for the next African American (mainly women) who may be uneducated to the surviving ways of the black community. The hardships of living in a low-income community come with more obstacles one can ever imagine. Her mentality towards the White American was harmless, but her opinions of the opposite race would beg to differ. Her focus to prevent young women from choosing the wrong path in life is her way of giving back. “I am especially concerned with the African female American, the ghetto girl whom nobody ever tells the definition of womanhood, or manhood for that matter”. (Souljah xiv) Her voice speaks just that in this book and its realness leaves the reader moved. Growing up in the Bronx’s projects in the peak of the 90’s Souljah observes everything around her from disrespectful men targeting vulnerable females, lack of intelligence, the dysfunctional and scarce family oriented homes and an ignorant community of individuals out to hurt their own race instead of sticking together. For Souljah growing up in the Bronx’s project community was a struggle every day. Finding identity through it all was a challenge by itself. No direction nor positive role model is not surprising for the black community, (I speak for myself personally) as the author discloses the fact that “it is struggling to understand basic concepts- like who you are as an African American male or female, what is a family and how is it formed solidly before the penis and vagina cause reckless destruction to life and organization? What is a thought? What is a mind? How do we teach a mind to think when so many have become comfortable with not thinking?”
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