Using Letter 1 and 31 of ‘the Colour Purple’ as Your Extracts for Close Analysis, Explore How Alice Walker Uses Language, Structure and Form to Present He Narrator Celie and Show This Character’s Growth in Confidence.

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Catti-Bri Bartholomew Using letter 1 and 31 of ‘The Colour Purple’ as your extracts for close analysis, explore how Alice Walker uses language, structure and form to present he narrator Celie and show this character’s growth in confidence. Alice Walker has written ‘The Colour Purple’ in an epistolary form. The letter form show the read a change in the letter 1 of Celie’s self-esteem from low, and in letter 31 to a growth in not only self-esteem but also in confidence. This is creatively shown in how much there is in the letter, letter 1 being quite short and letter 31 being 2 pages long. In letter 1, the reader is made to feel sorry for the narrator, Celie, as she must express her thoughts and feelings to God. This shows her appeal for help and in some sense forgiveness “I am I have always been a good girl.” Many critics have stated the epistolary form is a good way to see growth of a character’s emotions throughout the novel. Peck and Coyle show this in the following quote. “It is a method that offers great insight into the character’s minds.” Alice Walker also uses the narrator to express her opinions and thoughts on slavery and how black women were treated. This is shown clearly by the opening of the first letter. “You better not never tell nobody but God. It’d kill your mammy.” This is exactly on what the reader would assume an abuser to say and for Walker to say that as the first sentence shocks the reader into thinking if black women were abused by their families and friends. It is also however shown in letter 31 to be false and that not every black woman is abused. Sofia is a perfect example as she is a black woman protecting herself and being women together to not be abused or put down by men. The novel is also written in a dialect form as it shows class and area. In both letters there is a strong southern accent. In letter 1, for example, “Kine word.”

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