Need Cash? Look Inside Your Company

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“Need Cash? Look Inside Your Company” Objective This article’s objective is mainly focuses on the management of working capital within a company. In the boom years, capital was used carelessly because there was plenty of capital available. Little thought was placed into spending the constant flow of capital. Today, capital needs to be spent and managed in a well thought out manner since the capital and credit have dried up. Customers are tightening their spending and companies are no longer accepting late payments. The state of the economy has paved the way for a smarter strategy of management of capital. This article explores six common mistakes companies make in managing capital. Methodology The first mistake is managing to the income statement instead of the balance sheet. With the income statement, profitability may increase but with these results could be tainted with bad receivables from customers. The receivables from customers could never be collected and result in a loss to the company. Another mistake is awarding the sales force for growth alone. Salespeople try to book sales at any cost which includes giving longer payment plans and are unwilling to tract down these payments from customers which results in a loss to the company in the end. Overemphasizing quality in production is another problem with managing capital. This tends to slow down production process and locks up capital in the work in progress inventory. Another mistake is tying receivables to payables. Many companies relate the terms they are given by their suppliers to the terms they offer their own customers. If their suppliers tighten terms, they try to cover the resulting cash call by tightening their own credit policies. Applying current and quick ratios is another commonly seen mistake. Bankers use these ratios as information to determine if a company can pay an issued loan. The
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