Naturopathic Philosophy Case Study Essay

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Naturopathic Philosophy Case Analysis Essay Word Count: 1070 The time spent in consultation with a patient is one of the biggest differences between naturopathy and conventional medicine. In order to establish a detailed understanding of the patient’s current health a thorough medical history as well as a look at their diet and lifestyle habits needs to be taken. There are six fundamental healing principles that underpin the practice of naturopathy. Three of those principles are Vis Medicatrix Naturae – The Healing Power of Nature, Primum Non Nocere – First Do No Harm and Tolle Totem – Treat the Whole Person. Each of these principles directly relates to the need for a naturopath to collect in-depth information from patients in the initial consultation. The role of a naturopath is to support each patient in their journey toward better health by identifying obstacles to recovery and removing any disturbing factors to allow the Vis Medicatrix Naturae to restore vitalism. The more information gathered in the initial consultation the easier it is to identify the possible underlying causes of a patient’s ill health. This enables the naturopath to make the correct recommendations for healthier lifestyle habits to give the body the right environment and conditions to restore homeostasis. The principle Primum Non Nocere teaches the use of the least invasive methods necessary to allow the body to heal itself. A detailed look into a patient’s history and habits can help identify what level of intervention is required based on how severe their symptoms are. Another distinguishing factor of naturopathy from conventional medicine is the principle Tolle Totem. In order to find out the underlying cause of what might be making a patient sick enough time needs to be spent asking the right questions and investigating deeper than their symptoms. Good health is more
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