Nature vs Nurture

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Nature vs. Nurture Nature refers to an individual's innate qualities while nurture refers to personal experiences. What I believe impacts us the most is both nature and nurture. The factors of nurture are social and environmental. While for nature they are biological and family. After doing some research and evaluating the reasons I found an interesting statistic in which the American Scientist by telegraph (UK) states: Researchers from King's College London studied 45 childhood characteristics in 6,759 pairs of identical and non-identical twins across the UK, to determine whether their genes or their environment was more important. A new series of "nature-nurture" maps produced by the team revealed that some areas are "environmental hotspots" for particular traits, but in other places the same attribute is mainly governed by genetics. When a child is born it inherits either its mothers or father genes and maybe some characteristics. These genes are passed down through generations, for example: Let’s say a father has anger management problems, it is very likely that a child may develop that as well or their might have been history of anger problems in the family. Or another example is a cancerous chromosome, in which some children can inherit from their parents. In nurture, I believe the environment can greatly affect the way the child grows up to be. For instance if a child grows up in an abusive environment, it is very likely that when he or she grows he will be affected by it and will do the same. That is why I believe a person is affected by both; some factors of nature or

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