Native Americans Vs. Settlers

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NATIVE AMERICANS VS SETTLERS I believe there were way too many conflicts between Native Americans and the White Settlers. It was two different cultures clashing together. The settlers looked towards the west and saw massive amounts of land and envisioned what they could do if they acquired all this land. The Native Americans saw them as a threat and did not want the Settlers there. The Settlers were really greedy and wanted to take everything. I think a difference is that the Settlers were power hungry and the Native Americans were to inviting and friendly towards the Settlers. The Settlers were just waiting for their chance to rape Native American lands. Settlers in the east were settled and lived in established states. But they wanted much more land. They believed in Manifest Destiny, which was a belief that the settlers should rule and expand the lands from the Atlantic all the way to the Pacific Ocean. (Document A) shows the westward expansion. The settlers moved west on horseback, foot, and ox-drawn wagons. They drove the Natives out of their land and forced them west. Overtime the settlers began to establish settlements in the west as shown in (Document B). They started to plow the Native American lands they took, and they cut trees and cleared land. The settlers were just more advanced than the natives; the Natives did not give up their land without a fight. Many shed blood and forced them to move west. Many of the Native Americans died of starvation and exposure to weather. This was known as the Trail Of Tears. They had to give up their lands. The people were suffering and dying due to malnourishment. So they gave up war for the sake of their people as shown in (Document H). Because there was so much war going on, and the Native Americans were being lied to, an act to protect the
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