Narrative on Personal Accident

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Andrew Maeso October 25, 2013 3A Mason and I were inseparable. The day I witnessed his accident was a traumatic experience that I will never forget. Imagine seeing your best friend in an emergency situation and not being able to assist him immediately. Mason was my close friend and we spent most of our summer together. We even carpooled to work. This day was different; we were in two separate vehicles. I was petrified when I witnessed his accident. This past summer, I coached young children on how to play soccer. I would always share my coaching experiences with Mason. He was always intrigued with my tales of the young soccer stars. He asked me if there was any way I could get him a position coaching as well. I spoke with my boss and recommended Mason. A few weeks later he was my coaching partner. It was a routine day at work. We had just finished our two soccer classes and were heading home. The road from the workplace led to a congested intersection. Mason was in front of me at the stop sign with one car in-between us. He was waiting for clear access to pull out and turn left. I watched as he pulled out. Simultaneously I saw him collide with another car and heard a horrific sound - metal on metal. It is a sound that I will never forget. My heart was racing like a horse in the Kentucky Derby. I couldn’t believe what I had just witnessed. I had to get to the other side to make sure that my friend and the other driver were okay. There was no way to get there immediately because there was a car in front of me that had to cross the intersection first. It seemed like an eternity before I could cross to check on Mason. My thoughts were a tornado of horrible possibilities. I finally got to the other side and quickly shifted the car into park. I jumped out and sprinted to his window to make sure he was okay. I was looking for blood or

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