Napoleonic Code vs Bill of Rights

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World Cultures Mr. Walsh February 14, 2014 Napoleonic Code VS the Bill of Rights The Napoleonic Code, which was created by Napoleon in 1804, differs greatly from The Bill of Rights, introduced by James Madison and came into effect in 1791. While there are a lot of differences, there are also some similarities between the two. The differences in the two documents are quite obvious. The Bill of Rights concerns the Freedoms that each person is considered to have as a citizen of the United States. The Napoleonic Code unified French law and became the model for legal systems in most other nations in the world. While probably being Napoleon’s most lasting accomplishment, the Napoleonic Code gave Europe a uniform set of laws. The Bill of Rights was in use well before the development of the Napoleonic Code, however some elements of each are similar to the other. The Bill of Rights was introduced by James Madison to the 1st United States Congress as a series of lawmaking articles. They were accepted by the House of Representatives on August 21, 1789; formally suggested by combined resolve of Congress on September 25, 1789; and came into effect as Constitutional Amendments on December 15, 1791, through the process of approval by three-fourths of the states. The Bill of Rights counts freedoms not openly shown in the main part of the Constitution; such as freedom of religion, freedom of speech, a free press, and free assembly; the right to keep and bear arms; freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, security in personal effects, and freedom from warrants issued without probable cause; accusation by a grand jury for any capital or "infamous crime"; guarantee of a speedy, public trial with an fair jury; and ban of double threat. In addition, the Bill of Rights reserves for the people any rights not specifically mentioned in the Constitution and reserves all powers
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